The week had some distractions I wasn't expecting and one that I was expecting--LOL--so I just got to visit the site today. Oh, I love your "art for sale" page! I couldn't resist! My self introduction: Regina Duke is my romance and fiction pen-name. My real name is Linda White. When I discovered Pete's YouTube channel, I was inspired to begin working on my art again. My main "artistic endeavors" are my novels (I paint with words, I guess, but I write to entertain). I look forward to chatting with other fans of Illustrations by Pete!
I have learned through indie publishing that success (in a monetary sense) is never guaranteed, so we should pursue what we love. I love telling stories, creating worlds for people to get lost in. Having figured this out, I can know enjoy my pen-and-ink artwork without being consumed by the pursuit of profit. Pete is a wonderful inspiration, and now I have a nice place where I can come chat and access his art!
I answer to Linda and Regina equally. Nice to meet you all.
When I read your intro a while back, I thought you meant you had a Romantic name and wondered if you went on a lot of dating sites. I just reread it today and realize you separated Romantic writing and Fiction…which confuses me more, haha. Anyway..Welcome.